Monday, 21 December 2015

Facebook Now Supports Apple Live Photos

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Recently iPhone came with the ability to turn still images into video but its sharing ability was limited to other apple apps.With Live Photos on the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, every still shot is accompanied by a three-second video, with sound. For instance, you can snap a shot of your kid blowing out birthday candles - and get video showing the flame going out as everyone sings "Happy Birthday.

Facebook has a habit of making its feature available to few users which is some sort of beta version.If you find that feature is enabled on your account already, the process is pretty simple. If you have an iPhone 6s, all you have to do is upload a photo like you normally would. Then before publishing, you have to manually select each photo and indicate whether you want it to display as a Live Photo on Facebook. Facebook makes you manually enable the Live Photos to prevent any footage from accidentally going public that you didn’t intend. Once up, anyone can press on the photo to see the animation and hear the sound.

We don't have access to this feature yet but if you have,let us know how do you feel about it.


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